Exploring gleam/bool

A good way of really understanding a programming language is to go deep into the standard library and really get to know every single function.

In this blog post, we will explore the bool module of the gleam standard library. I might look into other modules as well, but who knows 🤷 don't want to promise too much.

I'm going through the functions in alphabetical order, but you can just jump to the sections that you are most interested in.


pub fn and(a: Bool, b: Bool) -> Bool

At first, this function might seem odd. We already have the && operator and its behavior is the same:

fn and(a,b) {
  a && b

However, it can be useful in combination with a higher order function.

import gleam/list

[ True, True, False, True]
|> list.fold(True,and)
// -> True


pub fn compare(a: Bool, with b: Bool) -> Order

The compare function can be found in every module of the standard library and is used to compare two values of the same type.

import gleam/order

fn compare(a, b) {
  case a,b {
    True, True -> order.Eq
    True, False -> order.Gt
    False, True -> order.Lt
    False, False -> order.Eq

It can be useful for ordering a list

import gleam/list

[ #(True,"A"), 
|> list.sort(fn(a,b){compare(a.0,b.0)})
|> list.map(fn(a){a.1})
// -> ["C","A","B","D"]


pub fn exclusive_nor(a: Bool, b: Bool) -> Bool

The XNOR gate might sound complicated, but it's actually just an equality check.

fn exclusive_nor(a,b){
  a == b

It's one of those functions that you learn in university and then never use.


pub fn exclusive_or(a: Bool, b: Bool) -> Bool

Similarly to the exclusive_nor, the exclusive_or is just the not equal check. It's not necessarily a function you actually need.

fn exclusive_or(a,b) {
  a != b


pub fn guard(
  when requirement: Bool,
  return consequence: a,
  otherwise alternative: fn() -> a,
) -> a

The most useful function in the module is guard.

fn guard(when, return, otherwise) {
  case when {
    True -> return
    False -> otherwise()

It can be used for early returns.

use <- guard(i < 0, Error("Input Invalid"))
//you can now savely use i


pub fn lazy_guard(
  when requirement: Bool,
  return consequence: fn() -> a,
  otherwise alternative: fn() -> a,
) -> a

The lazy variant of the guard delays the computation of the return value.

  case when {
    True -> return()
    False -> otherwise()

A reason why you want to delay the computation could be because the computation takes very long.

use <- lazy_guard(!is_valid(input),gather_errors(input)())


pub fn nand(a: Bool, b: Bool) -> Bool

You can use nand instead of calling and followed by not.

fn nand(a,b) {


pub fn negate(bool: Bool) -> Bool

The function negate is the same as the operatior !.

fn negate(bool) {

This might be useful in combination with a pipe operator

|> is_valid(name)
|> and(is_valid(address))
|> not
// -> False if either name or address is invalid.


pub fn nor(a: Bool, b: Bool) -> Bool

Similar to nand, nor is the negation of or.

fn nor(a,b) {


pub fn or(a: Bool, b: Bool) -> Bool

Instead of writing a || b, you can also write or(a,b).

fn or(a,b) {
  a || b

This is particular useful if you pass the function as argument.

[False, False, True, False]
|> list.fold(False,or)
// -> True


pub fn to_int(bool: Bool) -> Int

It sometimes makes sense to convert booleans into integers.

  True -> 1
  False -> 0

A use case could be to add a conditional offset

let left_offset = 42 + to_int(big_offset) * 100


pub fn to_string(bool: Bool) -> String

For debugging, you might want to convert a boolean into a string.

fn to_string(bool) {
  True -> "True"
  False -> "False"

Note that if a production use case, you might want to write that function yourself (to support different languages).